
Why We Love Business Security Systems (and You Should Too!)

Why We Love Business Security Systems (and You Should Too!)

Why do we have security systems? To catch the thief, right? Many businesses put in CCTV security systems after an event and hope the system will deter a thief. Although CCTV is a good deterrent, let’s look at additional reasons why we believe all businesses should have security systems.

Protect Your Time: Business Communication Solutions Made Simple

Protect Your Time: Business Communication Solutions Made Simple

We are undoubtedly living in a fast paced world. Every day there is a new hot application or new feature that promises to make your life easier, as you sit at your desk and think, “I want simple.” Maybe you are the office manager and you outsource all your IT needs; maybe you are the business owner and understand just enough technology to make you dangerous. Whatever your role, you are looking at new business communication solutions, and have settled on a phone system. 

Make Business Meetings Easy with a ShoreTel Business VoIP Solution

Make Business Meetings Easy with a ShoreTel Business VoIP Solution

You are flat tired of airports, you want to be home for the summer and home in the fall, rather than constantly take plane trips for one-day meetings. If you are a business owner it is even more critical not to be gone, unless you are on vacation. Even seasoned travelers are getting tired of the airports and just want to do more, and be more efficient. Looking at options with a business VoIP solution might be the answer to your challenges

10 Ways Your Office Phone System Improves Your Customers’ Experience

10 Ways Your Office Phone System Improves Your Customers’ Experience

Today’s office phone systems capabilities allow you to work anytime from anywhere. You may view this as either a good or bad thing – sometimes you don’t want to be accessible – but business competition in today’s economy is fierce. Your customers expect the highest level of customer care, and you and your staff need to be reachable, professional and customer focused at all times – no matter where you’re located.

Is My Budget Big Enough for a Business VoIP Phone System?

Is My Budget Big Enough for a Business VoIP Phone System?

The end of year was good to you and this quarter is going even better. That long list of upgrades for your technology is becoming a reality. You sat down and prioritized what you need the most to grow your business. The next logical step for a major purchase is a new business VoIP system. You are not sure if you have the budget for it. Let’s look at the major pricing items that affect a capital purchase like this.

5 Ways to Avoid Costly Change Orders with Your Business Phone Service

5 Ways to Avoid Costly Change Orders with Your Business Phone Service

Purchasing a business phone service is a partnership with a qualified licensed vendor and your business. You decide on a new system and cut the check. You breathe a sigh of relief. The process of installation starts off well, then BAM change order, then another, then another. You are now sitting at your desk and wondering what went wrong. How could this have been prevented?

Worst Reasons to Buy New Office Phone Systems

Worst Reasons to Buy New Office Phone Systems

If you're moving from your office or starting a new business, now is a prime time to buy an office phone system. Still sometimes though there is no good reason to buy an office phone system. Let’s face it, buying a new phone system will cost you time, money, and a small headache as you try and help your staff adjust and explain to your CPA what you just bought. So if you are trying to justify NOT buying, let me help you out.

5 Steps to a Hassle-Free Phone System Installation

5 Steps to a Hassle-Free Phone System Installation

You have made the decision – you are buying a new phone system. You chose Gaynor Telesystems, Inc. to be your phone system installation company. You ask yourself, “Now what?” You know you want an easy, simple, and most importantly smooth transition. Here are 5 steps to help make your installation hassle-free.

Key Points to Teach Staff When Setting Up an Automated Attendant

Key Points to Teach Staff When Setting Up an Automated Attendant

Training has become a critical component of staff development. It is not uncommon in the work place for changes to require additional training. Whether you have an older phone system with voicemail or are getting a new system, adding an auto attendant will increase the need for staff training. Your reasons for an automated attendant can vary from needing less staff to answer the calls, to wanting a consistent message when each person calls in, or even that you are growing and want the calls to be answered in a timely fashion.

Key Components to Consider Before Buying New Office Phone Systems

Key Components to Consider Before Buying New Office Phone Systems

There are many reasons why you might be considering new office phone systems. Your old system is slow and inefficient. Your business is growing and your receptionist is overloaded trying to keep up with calls. Your employees are out in the field more often and are missing important calls. Just to name a few big ones. There are also many, many, things to think about when you decide it’s time for new office phones systems at your business. But before you decide on the features you want and have to choose the features you actually need, pause for a few moments and consider these key components.

Basics of Business Communication Solutions: Automated Attendant

Basics of Business Communication Solutions: Automated Attendant

You’re already familiar with what an automated attendant is, you just might not know it. The greeting below might sound familiar:

“Thank you for calling The Tech Company, where business and technology come together." If you know your party's extension, you may dial it at any time. Otherwise choose from one of the following options. For sales, press '1'. For support, press '2'. For our regular business hours, press '3'. For accounting, press '4'. Otherwise press '0' for the receptionist or stay on the line and somebody will assist you shortly."

Today's Security Solutions for Safer Schools Offer More Than Cameras

Today's Security Solutions for Safer Schools Offer More Than Cameras

CCTV school security camera systems are not a new thing, but have been a topic of conversation for many years now. Schools not only have to be aware of crime from outside individuals, but also from the actions of students on campus.

No longer are schools looking at security solutions as just cameras, they are wanting to see what other projects are available for safety. Here are a few options available for security measures for schools.

Signs Your Small Business is Ready for a Multi Location Phone System

Signs Your Small Business is Ready for a Multi Location Phone System

This past year has been the year of growth. You have opened your third and fourth locations and now you are struggling to have good communications with all offices. The 3-line telephone system is no longer cutting it. You are a multi-location small business.